We invite the community to learn more about this project through resources below, or by attending an informational meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the presentations!
View Informational Materials:
Attend a Community Presentation:
- Monday, February 12: 5:30 pm, MS/HS Media Center
- Thursday, February 15: 6:30 pm, Virtual
- Video: https://moric-org.zoom.us/j/99637981384
- Phone: +1 (646) 518-9805, Meeting ID: 996 3798 1384
- Monday, February 26: 5:00 pm, MS/HS Media Center
- Tuesday, February 27: 7:00 pm, MS/HS Media Center
- Monday, March 4: 6:00 pm, E.A. McAllister Media Center
- Tuesday, March 5: 6:00 pm, W.A. Wettel Media Center
- Wednesday, March 6: 7:00 pm, J.D. George Media Center