VVS Enrollment, Demographic & Capacity Study

We invite the entire VVS community to learn more about the Enrollment, Demographic, and Capacity Study and share your perspective. All community members are invited to:

Share Perspectives (New Dates Added!):

  • ThoughtExchange Survey: https://tejoin.com/scroll/262080634
  • Monday, March 31: Community Café, 7 PM (MS STEAM Commons)
  • Tuesday, April 8: Community Café, 7 PM (MS STEAM Commons)
  • Tuesday, April 29: Community Café, 7 PM (MS STEAM Commons)
  • Monday, June 2: Public Hearing, 6 PM (Sherrill Media Center)
  • Wednesday, June 4: Public Hearing, 7 PM (Verona Media Center)
  • Tuesday, June 10: Public Hearing, 5 PM (Vernon Media Center)

Save the Dates! We hope that you will be able to share your questions, ideas, and concerns in this important process, and look forward to working with our community to shape the future of our district.

VVS Enrollment, Demographic and Capacity Study Team

This effort is in response to our declining enrollment and the recent Facilities and Strategic Planning Committees’ recommendations to the VVS Board of Education that VVS complete a study of our enrollment, demographics, and building capacity. The VVS Board of Education accepted the recommendation and the data is ready to share.

VVS is assembling a team of individuals across the schools and VVS community to review and discuss this information to plan for the future of our district. The team will review the data and discuss future enrollment projections, school building uses, and grade-level configurations. Your perspective and insights represent an important point of view in our work.

The Team’s roles and responsibilities are as follows:

  • To review and discuss the enrollment, demographic, and capacity data analysis and report that was recently presented to the Board of Education.
  • To discuss that data and how it might impact the district’s programs, school building uses and grade configurations, staffing, and resource allocation.
  • To develop questions for the Board to investigate and request additional relevant information for the team to study and discuss.
  • To identify options to address the team’s findings and any benefits, challenges, conflicts, and opportunities for the school and the community associated with each.
  • To share the findings and options for consideration with the Board of Education.

The full team will meet five times from October 24 to December 19, 2024. Members will have the option to participate in a subcommittee and/or community cafe. The team's work will culminate on January 13, 2025, with a presentation to the VVS Board of Education. The Board will then decide what direction to take based on the VVS mission, vision, goals, strategic plan, and resource capacity. Please click on the following links for a formal copy of this letter and a meeting schedule with tentative agenda items.

The community is invited to share their perspective via ThoughtExchange survey, at Community Cafes, Hours with the Superintendent, or the Public Forum. We will share those dates in the coming weeks.