VVS Policy Quicklinks:
Policy 0013: Title IX Grievance Process
Policy 1025: Code of Conduct (Full Policy)
Policy 1026: Code of Conduct (Plain Language Summary)
Policy 1041: Accommodation of Hearing Impaired Parents
Policy 5030: Meal Charges and Meal Shaming
Policy 5050: Acceptable Use
Policy 5304: Information Security Breach
Policy 7014: Student Attendance (Plain Language Summary)
Policy 7068: Limitations on the Use of Timeout and Physical Restraints
Policy 7202: Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying (DASA)
Policy 8100: Grade Level Placement, Retention, and Promotion
Policy 8310: Use of Time Out Rooms
VVS Notifications:
It is the goal of the Board of Education to encourage students to participate in as wide a range of extra-curricular activities as feasible. The Board recognizes and understands the importance of participation in extra-curricular activities as it relates to the success of each student and his.her investment in the school community. The Board also recognizes the valuable contribution participation in these activities can make in the development of responsible and respectful school and community citizens. It is not the intention of this regulation to limit general participation in extra-curricular organizations and activities. However, the Board acknowledges that participation in extra-curricular activities causes students to be in a more visible position in the general community. Students who participate in extra-curricular activity play a vital role in creating the image others perceive of the individual, the school, and the family. The extra-curricular code, based on the VVS Code of Conduct (Board of Education Policy 1025), defines the expectations for student behavior and provides a framework for fairness and consistency in conducting these student activities.
Please click this link to read the complete Extra-Curricular Activities Code document: Extra Curricular Activities Code
The Board of Education has adopted Policy 8079 addressing the subject of Grade Placement, Promotion, and Retention. The Policy was developed by the District Student Promotion & Retention Committee. The Policy reflects the current research regarding successful educational practices and the District’s long-standing recognition that many factors must be considered when evaluating the appropriate course of study to support student learning needs. The Policy also reflects New York State Education Law. The Policy was developed in consultation with the Madison/Oneida BOCES Labor Relations & Policy Service and was adopted by the Board of Education.
Please click this link to read the complete Student Grade Placement and Transfer Policy: Student Grade Placement and Transfer Policy (8079)
Sexual harassment is against the law.
All employees have a legal right to a workplace free from sexual harassment. The Vernon Verona Sherrill School District is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment. Per New York State Law, Vernon Verona Sherrill has a sexual harassment prevention policy in place that protects you. This policy applies to all employees, paid or unpaid interns and non-employees in our workplace, regardless of immigration status. If you believe you have been subjected to or have witnessed sexual harassment, you are encouraged to report the harassment to a supervisor, principal, or to the Director of Pupil Services and Personnel Development so we can take action.
For questions or to file a complaint, please contact:
Mrs. Erin Tiffany, Director of Pupil Services and Personnel Development
(315) 829-2520 x.7116
Our complete policy and complaint form may be found in the links below.
Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination:
Policy 0015: Nondiscrimination in Public Accommodations
Regulation 0015.1: Report of Possible Discrimination
Policy 6010: Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment (Including Sexual Harassment in Employment)
Regulation 6010.1: Report of Possible Discrimination or Harassment
Policy 7202: Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying (DASA)
Regulation 7202.1: Report of Possible Discrimination (DASA Incident Reporting)
Policy 7203: Nondiscrimination in Educational Services
Regulation 7203.1: Report of Possible Discrimination
You should never feel that it is not safe to come to school and participate in all school activities. You should never be prevented from concentrating on your schoolwork because another student or a school staff member is teasing you, making fun of you, pushing you around, or threatening you in some way, because of your race, color, weight, national origin (where your family comes from), ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex.
A student may not act toward another student in a way that reasonably might make that other student feel threatened or unsafe, or that might reasonably make that student unable to concentrate on their school work because of the other student’s your race, color, weight, national origin (where your family comes from), ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex. It is against school rules for any student or school staff member to do this by physical actions or by verbal statements, including electronic messages.
New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.
This legislation, signed into law on September 13, 2010 and effective July 1, 2012, amended State Education Law by creating a new Article 2 – Dignity for All Students. The Dignity Act also amended Section 801-a of New York State Education Law regarding instruction in civility, citizenship, and character education by expanding the concepts of tolerance, respect for others, and dignity to include: an awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including but not limited to, different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, gender identity, and sexes. The Dignity Act further amended Section 2801 of the Education Law by requiring Boards of Education to include language addressing the Dignity Act in their codes of conduct.
For further information regarding the Dignity for All Students Act, see the links and files below. If you would like more information regarding specific Respect and Responsibility, Tolerance, and Antibullying activities and programs in your child(ren)'s school, please contact your child(ren)'s Building Principal or Dignity for All Students Act Coordinator. Each school's Principal and Social Worker are the Dignity for All Students Act Coordinators.
Reporting of bullying, harassment and discrimination (Click the document titles below for a printable PDF):
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Dignity for All Students Act 2013
VVS Policy 7202: Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
VVS Regulation 7202.1: DASA Incident Reporting Form
Dignity Act Coordinators:
W.A. Wettel Elementary
Mrs. Amanda Duffy: (315) 829-2520 x1001 aduffy@vvsschools.org
Mrs. Jasmine Peck: (315) 829-2520 x1055 jpeck@vvsschools.org
J.D. George Elementary
Mr. Gary Bissaillon: (315) 829-2520 x2001 gbissaillon@vvsschools.org
Mrs. Maria McGurk-Tschaar: (315) 829-2520 x2055 mmcgurk-tschaar@vvsschools.org
E.A. McAllister Elementary
Mrs. Elisabeth Relyea: (315) 829-2520 x3001 erelyea@vvsschools.org
Mrs. Alisha Campanella: (315) 829-2520 x3055 acampanella@vvsschools.org
VVS Middle School
Mrs. Carrie Hodkinson: (315) 829-2520 x4001 chodkinson@vvsschools.org
Mrs. Christina Ballard: (315) 829-2520 x4055 cballard@vvsschools.org
VVS High School
Mrs. Erin Sanchez: (315) 829-2520 x5001 esanchez@vvsschools.org
Mrs. Brandy-Lee Lappin: (315) 829-2520 x5055 blappin@vvsschools.org
- New York State Education Department Website DASA
- This is a link to the Dignity for All Students Act information on the New York State Education Department's website.
- New York State Center for School Safety
- This is the link to the New York State Center for School Safety DASA information website
- Madison-Oneida BOCES Antibullying Video
- The video, for a hip-hop song called “Groovy” by artist NateKid, focuses on themes of anti-bullying, unity, acceptance and character education. The video was created and directed by New York City-based producer Jennifer Maloney-Prezioso, of Awaken Entertainment.