Philosophy of Education and Grading
Philosophy of Education
The school library media center is a vital and integral hub of the school and as a result reflects the philosophy and goals of the school and the district. In an age of information, acquiring information literacy skills and a commitment for lifelong reading and learning become paramount. In the school library media center, students develop critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills as they use a variety of resources to meet the demands of today’s curriculum.
- The library media program encourages and engages students in reading, viewing, and listening for understanding and enjoyment.
- The library media program supports the learning of all students and other members of the learning community who have diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs.
- The library media program fosters individual and collaborative inquiry for lifelong learning and growth.
- The library media program integrates the uses of technology for learning and teaching.
Philosophy of Grading & Grading Formula
Becoming a life long reader and user of information requires experience in finding material in the library and online, being introduced to new ideas and procedures and being exposed to many different types of literature. Therefore, grades for Library are divided into three parts.
- Study and research skills - 40%
- Literature engagement, response and appreciation - 40%
- Knowledge of Library organization (Online catalog and Dewey Decimal System) - 20%