After-School Detention

Rules of Behavior in the After School Detention Room:

  1. All students must report to the main office by 2:30 pm and must come prepared either with written work, Google classroom or with appropriate reading materials.
  2. Teacher in charge of Detention wil pick students up from main office. 
  3. All students must remain in their assigned seats.
  4. All students must raise their hands and wait to be called upon by the teacher. No talking is allowed.
  5. All students will obey the teacher's requests at all times.
  6. Students will be expected to remain in their assigned room for the entire duration of their detention.
  7. Food, electronic devices, and hats will NOT be allowed.
  8. No sleeping.


Step #1: The student is given a verbal warning.

Step #2: The detention teacher will assign students one day of restricted lunch.

Step #3: The student will be referred to the office and assigned one additional day of detention by the principal and the parent will be contacted.

Step #4: Level II of VVS Discipline Code; parent contacted.

*After being released from detention, students should report to the front of the high school in order to board the bus. This bus will probably not be the student’s regular bus. The student should check with the driver of the first bus to determine which bus he/she should take home.