After School Enrichment


We are very excited to offer many different programs after school to build upon and enrich our kids' educational experiences. Thanks to the work of our teachers - last year nearly every single teacher in our building facilitated such experiences - we are able to offer these awesome opportunities. Almost all of our after school programs target students in grades 2-6. However, this year we have also extended this enrichment to kinder and 1st grade students. Some of our clubs include the following:
  • Homework Club
  • Comprehension Club
  • Math Club
  • Drama Club
  • Cooking Club
  • Athletic Intramurals
  • Student Council
  • Targeted Instruction
  • Reading Buddies
  • Math Buddies
  • Legos Club
  • Minecraft Math

Because we offer so many different opportunities, we are as careful as possible when scheduling. However, at times students may need to choose among a few after school options. We will include a monthly schedule as soon as we can, starting in October. Please consult your child's teacher or call Mrs. Duffy should you have a question or concern.