Learning & Growing at Wettel

Here at Wettel, we strive to ensure all of our students recieve a high-quality, well-rounded education each and every day.

It all begins with our full day Pre-K program.  We believe in a play-based approach to early learning that fosters creativity, choices, and plenty of outdoor play!  

Continuing on into the primary grades, students are provided with Science of Reading-based approaches to foundational reading instruction that includes instruction in phonemic awareness, decoding, encoding, and handwriting.


Mathematics instruction is a comprehensive program, in which early foundational concepts and number sense build to create mathematical problem solvers in the upper grades.  We use Eureka Math 2 as our comprehensive K-6 Math programming.

Science instruction follows the Next Generation Science Standards, which focus on three dimensions: Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Cross Cutting Concepts.  Science instruction is inquiry-based , and emphasizes the development of 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity.  It also addresses environmental literacy by helping students develop an understanding of the natural world and their role as responsible stewards of the environment.  

Social Studies instruction begins in Kindergarten, where students learn about families and communities before branching out and learning about local history and history of the Eastern & Western Hemispheres as they finish their elementary career.

Students also have daily time for instruction in The Arts, Music, and Technology.  Students are afforded instruction in Art, General Music, Physical Education, Library, Digital Writing, and Computer Science.  In addition, we also offer a Band program, an Orchestra program, and Chorus to our upper elementary-aged students as well.